Monday, December 1, 2008

Doctor Who

I am recently obsessed with Doctor Who. I love it. It's thought provoking, funny, and it's made me cry. Those of you who know me personally (and that's most of you) know that me not common. Particularly from things meant for entertainment. (Fact: The only book to ever make me cry is All Creatures Great and Small.)

I think what I really like is that there are constsant moral dilemnas. Life isn't morally clear, and neither is this show. Even better, The Doctor's set of morals are completely different from the human characters', which makes sense, as he is an alien. It's really about people, and how they relate to each other.

I also really like that there are things that carry through the whole season, trends that lead up to the season finale. The first season, they point this out. The second season, I think I've found it. Also, there are episodes that are just epic. Like, I have already watched some of them more than once because of the sheer epic awesomeness.

In some ways, it reminds me of Firefly. Like, this is how Firefly should have gone -- four seasons in and a dedicated fanbase. (Granted, Doctor Who is the longest running sci-fi series on television, if not the longest running series all around. 1963-89, and then 2005-now.)

So, that's my babble. Sorry for the long break between posts; spending Thanksgiving break with no computer access does that. Hope y'all had a good holiday!