Monday, May 3, 2010

I generally consider myself a bad feminist. Biased language? Get over it. Offended when someone holds a door open for you? That's just common courtesy. I only really care about things like equal pay and equal opportunity laws, but still with the healthy understanding that men and women have different bodies and different abilities. Some professions are significantly male because they need (usually) upper body strength that most women don't have. And you know what, I'm okay with the fact that women don't drafted. When you figure that many countries don't consider women prisoners of war, and that a hell of a lot of horrible things are likely to happen to those women before they die, I'm okay with some gender bias in the military. (Mind you, I am *not* okay with a sexuality bias. There've been gay people in the military as long as there's been a military. Get your panties out of a twist and relax.) Mostly, I believe that people are people, regardless of gender, sexuality, color, any of that.

However, there does come a point when I get mad. When I cannot stand to see what some people on this world do.

I recently was introduced to the story of a Turkish girl whose body was found earlier this year. She was 16. Her father had buried her -- alive -- because she had male friends. How is it possible that there exists a place where it is right and good to kill your child because of her friends? I try to be understanding to the world at large, but this is beyond me. It makes me feel like a helpless idealist again, instead of a somewhat cynical devil's advocate. This is one place where I cannot see the other side of the picture.

To quote the blog where I found this,

According to this moral code, it is more honorable to torture and kill your own child than to allow your adolescent female child to talk to boys. More honorable to tie her up, put her in hole, and pile dirt over her head while she pleads and weeps.
It makes me sad for the world.
