Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Geoff demanded that I post this. He says "it's us!"
He's right. :D

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today we've been procrastinating by taking the Myers-Briggs personality test to find out our types. You can take it here

I'm an INFJ, which according to this site means I'm introspective and insightful and I understand the inner processes of peoples' minds. It's actually weirdly accurate, I think.

this site shows how different types work in relationships. Wifey (an ESFJ) and I have an "Illusionary" relationship, which is kind of true. We "do not understand the reasons and motives of each other's actions". We do have different motives and ways of thinking. But the highlight of the description was this: "The introverts seek independence. The extrovert partner wants to make their introvert partner into what they consider to be a 'normal person'."

So now Wifey's trying to crush my spirit and creativity and suck away my SOUL.

That's what we've been up to today. Take the test yourself and tell us what personality type you have!

Friday, October 24, 2008


I love dance. I love it with a depth that is hard to convey. I just got back from a dance, which is a) why this post is so late, and b) why I'm going to babble about dancing.

This wasn't just any dance -- it was at the celebration for the dedication of the new-old dining hall, since it was extensively remodelled in the past two years. What this means is that in the Grand Dining Hall (second choice for the Hogwarts movie dining hall), they had a 16 piece swing band, like they would have had for a similar dance in the 1940s. It was amazing. My boy showed himself to be a paragon of gentlemanlyness -- he danced for quite a while without complaint! Most interestingly was the enthusiasm of the people dancing, as opposed to the typical college party. These people liked to dance, liked the music, not just "almost-sex-but-we-have-clothes-on", which is what you see in 99% of high schools and colleges. There were professors there (including my awesome-beyond-belief English prof), and administrators, and lots of trustees or alums. It was really cool to see a broad spectrum of people all dancing and having fun doing it! I am very strongly tempted to send an email to the president of the college, or someone in charge of Student Activities and say "Hey, can we have a dance like this every Trustee/Alumni weekend?" See, they'll get more interested people on those weekends, since the adults like it too.

So, it was an awesome dance. I wish I had been more dressed up. But that's okay. I'm still in the glow of awesome dancing in the greatest atmosphere ever.

Oh, and they had a replica of the building done in cake. It was five feet long. Unfortunately it was not for eating. :( But there were chocolate-covered strawberries. And kiwis. But not dipped in chocolate.

And the dancing was awesome. :D
